Giving Back

 It all starts with you!

No Assumptions' philanthropic model is donating proceeds to community initiatives focusing on systemic challenges. Every No Assumptions purchase made is an investment towards an empowered and equitable future for ALL humans.

Through our initiatives, we actively engage in giving back to those in need and supporting communities that face systemic challenges. We firmly believe that every purchase made with us is an investment in an empowered and brighter future for others. Ten percent (10%) of our profits go directly towards supporting charitable organizations dedicated to social equality, education, and community development.

As our product grows, so does our giving, we look forward to the growth and campaigns to add to our list of organizations in which we support. 

Proceeds support causes around:
    • Education & Empowerment for Girls and Women
    • LGBTQIA2+ Resources
    • Indigenous Advocacy
    • Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives (MMIR)
    • George Floyd Foundation
    • Mental Health/PTSD Services
    • Human Rights Advocacy
    • Law Enforcement Sensitivity Training
    • Ending the Cycle of Police Violence  


    Be sure to check back on the growing proceeds and organizations that we support!